Nothing is Wrong With You ... Go to Therapy!

Therapy. It’s that topic not many people in the black community want to talk about. 

Sometimes it’s because all they know about therapy is that you don’t end up there unless you hearing voices and seeing things, you did something that led you to mandated therapy, or if you’re crazy. 

Which. Is. all. Wrong.

In fact, the reality is, nothing has to be wrong with you for you to go to therapy. Granted, there are people who are diagnosed with severe mental illnesses and those that are court-ordered/mandated to attend therapy after specific incidents and situations. However, therapy is not just limited to them. 

One thing I LOVE about the therapeutic process is that, there really doesn’t have to be ANYTHING wrong with you for you to go to therapy. In fact, to have the thought that something must be wrong with you would imply that a therapist's job is to fix you. Which is also, not the case.

Many people attend therapy because they are experiencing a range of emotions, which is a normal human experience. Maybe you’re in a transitional period in your life and trying to figure out what’s best for you and what decisions you need to make. Or maybe you’ve been feeling overwhelmed trying to balance being a great employee while also being a great parent. Or, maybe, you just realize that you are just not that great in intimate relationships and want to better yourself to salvage the relationships that are important to you. There are literally ENDLESS reasons as to why someone decides to pursue therapy. And they are just the opposite of crazy.

A therapist’s job is not to fix you or give you advice. Their job is to process those uncomfortable feelings and emotions, identify any underlying things that are preventing you from accomplishing goals, and facilitate your own awareness about what changes you may need to make in your life. And let's be honest, many times, your therapist's job is to be a sounding board for you to be able to let it all out - because maybe you don’t feel like you can talk to your friends and family about the things that are on your mind. 

There is nothing wrong with going to a therapist. 

You are not weak for wanting to work through your personal challenges and become a better you.

Seeking therapy does not mean you are crazy.

Replace the negative narratives and assumptions you have about therapy and give it a try, there’s a better you waiting to be found!


I Want to Go To Therapy...Now What?


How To Make The Most Out of Your Free Initial Consultation